Prices for translations mainly depend on length, format, difficulty and legibility of the text to be translated. The amount of work involved is also a factor, as well as the project size, whether a single assignment or a longer lasting project or relationship. For these reasons I always provided clients with a quote tailored to suit the project in question.

A surcharge may apply to PowerPoint presentations or website translations (HTML, XML, etc.) as well as for very urgent deadlines or work at weekends/public holidays.

In order to provide a reliable and personalised quotation, please give me detailed information about your needs regarding deadlines, source and target language, text format and – of course – the text to be translated. I will analyse the text and send you a personalised offer. Any additional costs such as postage, certification, etc. will be included in the final price offer.



The following companies rely on the quality of my services:


Princess Katalin zu Windischgraetz, designer of high-grade luxury collections of pet furniture and pet accessories, and owner of the company Home Furnishing For Pets Marbella:

“With the translation of our presentation book for the collection “Luxury Pet Interiors”, Mrs. Wild has done an excellent job. Thanks to her competence and professionalism it is a pleasure for us to recommend her services.”


Friedrich W. M. Zielinski, general manager of The Lifestyle Club Spain, provider of high quality holiday rentals at the Costa del la Luz    The Lifestyle Club Spain

“Isabel Wild is a very hard-working, qualified and motivated professional with great translation abilities. In all instances, we found Isabel to be accurate and reliable, and her translations of our marketing material were of a high quality. She always delivered within the required timeframe and met our requirements at all times. For our monthly English blog she regularly provides articles about the Costa del la Luz, which show her affinity to the Spanish country and culture.
TLC Spain is pleased to recommend Isabel for any English > German and English > Spanish translation work.”


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Lizarza AbogadosThe Lifestyle ClubMahnaz
Hotel IPV Palace FuengirolaZuuring AbogadosBiomar